Tuesday, 4 February 2014


If you're watching around and trying to scratch the surface on how to make stuff go viral on the internet, then here's something we've got for you. 5 insanely easy tips on how to make your content go places!

L O O K    A R O U N D !

"News" for a lot of people wouldn't be that interesting! But know what It's still fine to know what's going on around because "current" really gets you up the ladder especially when you or your brand is being "googled" for. So, keep an eye on the stuff happening around you! 

Although, for people who say:

Then there's a way for that too! Just read Google news, design your content accordingly and that's pretty much enough to step up from the crowd.

V I R A L   V I D E O S !

Sometimes it sounds weird when we say a video went "viral"! Very true indeed. If you have a short time and you're looking forward to gain an immense popularity factor, then this is the best way. Creating a video is simple these days. Tell what you want to convey and try to show it in Just-A-Minute. You tube, we'd say would be the best tool when videos are concerned. Here's an example ad  done for one of our partner companies. Adding a tinge of humor will add on to the popularity factor. If you're someone who says "Nah! I'm not creating a video!" Then let's do this! Share videos you think will reach a lot of people.

No! Totally not! No one's cutting anyone in here! It's totally fine to share content as long as you don't brag rights! Make sure it's relevant to you or your brand and that'll fetch you a good amount of popularity.

I T' S   A L L   I N   T H E   T A G !

Yup! But it's definition over-ruled now!
Now no matter what you post, the tags matter a lot. They help bring up your content when people are looking for it! 

Yeah, we totally get it! It does gets on our nerves sometimes when people don't understand where they need to use tags. If you're using hashtags on Facebook then you've got it all wrong! They don't serve the purpose. Just a fancy! Use it at the right place and they will do the magic.

C O N T E N T   M A T T E R S !
There's one old trick to make your content good. 
Less content! More strategy!

Simple right? You don't have to spend time writing pages and essays. No one's gonna read it till the end. Most importantly, add a  fun-factor to  the stuff you post. It's gonna reach a lotta people at once. 

If content is boring, it's a very big No-No! Don't wait for people to say "OMG! That's so damn boring!" If you keep waiting for that to happen, the timeline is forever! So, do what it takes to go viral.

S T O R Y T E L L I N G !

Being grown-ups, we've gone through a lotta stories and yeah, most of them begin with 'once upon a time...' But can you think of reading a story and try to not lose interest when the story is point-blank with no visual content? Well, unless you're J.K.Rowling or Mark Twain, it's certainly not happening!  

Make your content visually appealing. Be it sketches, data charts, animated stuff or whatever you choose, make sure it'll attract people. You don't need to be an artist! Just remind yourself that it needs to be appealing.

All this being said, now let's get moving! Gear up and make your content go viral on the web with these insanely easy tips! If you need some help with online branding, remember, we're always right here! You can get in touch with us anytime at  http://www.mediapalette.in/

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