Thursday, 27 February 2014


Social media has become a crowded space, and picking out the best channels for your company to invest your resources could pretty much be a daunting task. If you hop on the bandwagon for every new social network, you may not be able to keep up with the demands. So what’s the best social media platform for your business?

You’ll want to consider your industry, your resources, and your goals for being on social media, but there is one network that should be weighted more heavily in your decision-making process- FACEBOOK! It's is still holding onto its crown as king of social media, and it’s the best place for your company to devote at least some of its energy. Are you thinking Facebook for your Business? Here's why!

Created  by

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


What was the last time you read a long boring article on the internet? No pictures.. Just blah blah! We bet it would have been pretty long ago. Infographics are the trend setters now and any information presented with pictures and stuff that looks funny is what people are really looking out for! Here are ten ways to make your Infographic a super hit!

Created  by

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


A few days ago, when we were having a little chit-chat session at our office, we were discussing about jobs and employment. At one point, we started chatting about how people put up bizarre titles and headlines for their designation. It's become more of a fun-thing to add a funky designation to a professional profile! By the time we ended our chat session, it was like stepping out from a session of laughter therapy. Seriously! Now that being said, we thought we'd give you some of that therapy for free too!

Here are the most silly and stupid seven titles we found. We're pretty sure there are a lot more like these!

#1  Community Wizard

Wizard? Really? They’re casting spells on people now? Inspired by Harry Potter huh?

#2 Social Media Engager

Oh come on! “Social” by itself means to engage with people and almost every professional in social media certainly does that! What's so special about this now?

#3  Brand Warrior

WoW! Looks like they’ve been in some tough battles. Keep swinging soldier!

Thursday, 6 February 2014

10 YEARS & 10 CHANGES...

Hey folks! Now sit back and get ready to roll back your memories... A lot of us wonder, if only life had a rewind  ◅◅  button... Well, that's not happening here. Although, we still have so many memories, good and bad, showing us the evidence of our lives so far. So here we go, ten years of Facebook, more than 750 million users, creating a mark in history. 

How has Facebook changed our lives? Oh come on! Should this even be a question? How else would it be possible to sit right in our couch and judge people? So what else has Facebook changed? Let's go ahead and read! 

The Definition of a “Friend”

We're a lil confused here. So, here's a question. Do you even remember the last time you spent “quality” time with your best friend? Shopping or a lunch out maybe? Quite long right! If this pic caught you rolling back to some fun stuff you did with your friend, then you're certainly missing that fun!

So how about a Facebook friend? Maybe commenting on their status or liking something they'd put up! Minutes ago? No matter what but that's the truth. We are sitting in front of a mac or a phone and trying to make more friends every single day. But at the end of the day, is it just about the number of friends? 

“Poke” Someone

If someone had the liberty to poke us in real life, would we shut up and keep quiet? Or a smash on their face back again? 

But with Facebook, poking is so common that even strangers just poke you when they pass by. Do you know what it really means? It's like saying a hello when you meet someone, except that you just say it even if the other person is looking away! 

“Like” Something

Facebook entirely changed the meaning of like. In fact, given additional meaning to what a like means. It's so damn confusing many times 'coz you never know how the other person might interpret it! 

It's just in the click of a Button. Never know! Maybe our keybords will include a Like button in them to make stuff simpler. 

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


If you're watching around and trying to scratch the surface on how to make stuff go viral on the internet, then here's something we've got for you. 5 insanely easy tips on how to make your content go places!

L O O K    A R O U N D !

"News" for a lot of people wouldn't be that interesting! But know what It's still fine to know what's going on around because "current" really gets you up the ladder especially when you or your brand is being "googled" for. So, keep an eye on the stuff happening around you! 

Although, for people who say:

Then there's a way for that too! Just read Google news, design your content accordingly and that's pretty much enough to step up from the crowd.

V I R A L   V I D E O S !

Sometimes it sounds weird when we say a video went "viral"! Very true indeed. If you have a short time and you're looking forward to gain an immense popularity factor, then this is the best way. Creating a video is simple these days. Tell what you want to convey and try to show it in Just-A-Minute. You tube, we'd say would be the best tool when videos are concerned. Here's an example ad  done for one of our partner companies. Adding a tinge of humor will add on to the popularity factor. If you're someone who says "Nah! I'm not creating a video!" Then let's do this! Share videos you think will reach a lot of people.

No! Totally not! No one's cutting anyone in here! It's totally fine to share content as long as you don't brag rights! Make sure it's relevant to you or your brand and that'll fetch you a good amount of popularity.